Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol
Social Media Activation


Get Ideal Protein patients to share their success stories and set the brand apart in the saturated weight loss category where everyone else shows results in pounds.

Intentional Solution

Every year, weight and its effect on physical and emotional health stops millions of people from living the life they want to live. Our Social Media Activation ‘The Powering Life Project’ set out on a mission to change that with one simple question. ‘What’s the one thing you really want to do when you reach your ideal weight?’ 

The campaign reinvented traditional success stories by measuring weight loss success in personal, visceral, relatable experiences like skydiving, kayaking, and traveling with the family instead of simply touting another number from the scale.

What started as simple IG posts inspired a multi-channel digital campaign for the first time in the company’s history across thousands of clinics, and yielded: 1000X more patient success story submissions than ever obtained.

Ideal Protein. The powering life possible project.

Freefall 17k Feet.
Success Story Video.

Kayaking Bliss.
Success Story Video.

Website. Digital. Social. User-Generated.